Public blockchains that pay transaction fees with native cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, cannot be adopted by government agencies and businesses. InfraBlockchain technology, on the other hand, is an enterprise multi-blockchain network that governments and businesses can actually use, because it invites trusted institutions to participate in blockchain networks through Proof-of-Transaction(PoT) consensus algorithm, processes fiat currency-based blockchain transaction fees, and integrates Blockspace to achieve interoperability between multi-chains that are segmented by services and institutions.
서비스 블록체인
인프라 릴레이 체인
A blockchain connected to the Infra Relay Chain, tailored for specific service or application functions.
A central hub to the Multi-Blockchain ecosystem, it facilitates interoperability by connecting service blockchains with varying operating systems.
Responsible for creating blocks in the Relay Chain and ensuring shared security. They verify and confirm the data from the service chain.
Diverse service blockchains, built and operated in parallel, can be linked to the Infra Relay Chain, ensuring seamless interactivity between them.
Validators selected within the Infra Relay Chain participate in the governance of the entire Multi-Blockchain network, bolstering overall network security.
By connecting blockchains with different operating systems, a Multi-Blockchain network is established, paving the way for expansive growth.
Various Service Chains built and operated in parallel are connected to Infra Relay Chain to achieve interoperability between each blockchains, enabling the multi-blockchain network, InfraBlockspace, that can greatly scale by countries, services and companies.
3 Tokens, smart contracts, and chain functions can interoperate between Service Chains and Relay Chain through XCM(Cross Chain Message)-based blockchain interoperability protocol. It is also interoperable with public blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum via Bridge Chain.
When individual Service Chains are connected to Infra Relay Chain, they no longer need to organize and maintain their own validators to keep their blockchains secure.
Elected validators on Infra Relay Chain validate and finalize blocks created from all connected Service Chains, and also participate in the governance of the entire multi-blockchain network to maintain overall network security. The blockchain network security provided by Infra Relay Chain validators(which consists of government agencies and trusted enterprises) is shared across all connected Service Chains, enabling a low-cost, high-efficiency and stable multi-blockchain network structure.
For blockchains such as Ethereum, the transaction fees must be paid in its native cryptocurrency such as ETH.
InfraBlockchain can build a public blockchain network without any native, highly-volatile cryptocurrency. The Relay Chain Validators approve and designate specific user tokens(issued by trusted entities) as System Tokens, which can then be used to pay for blockchain transaction fees.
On InfraBlockchain network, fiat-pegged stable tokens(e.g., iKRW, iUSD, iPHP etc.) that are guaranteed by trusted institutions, such as government agencies and reputable corporations, can be issued and circulated.
Validators elected on Infra Relay Chain can nominate stable tokens of their choice as System Tokens, which can be used as blockchain transaction fee(gas fee) tokens in any connected Service Chains. This unique feature enables InfraBlockchain to operate as a legal-currency-based ecosystem, resulting in predictable and stable transaction costs.
작업증명(PoW)은 컴퓨팅 파워를 많이 소유한 주체에게(경쟁적 에너지 소모 발생), 지분증명(PoS)은 가상화폐를 많이 소유한 주체에게 블록 생성 권한을 주도록 하는 불합리한 합의 알고리즘입니다.
블록 생성 및 확정과 블록체인 거버넌스에 대한 결정 권한이 주어지는 Validator들은 Transaction-as-a-Vote(TaaV) 매커니즘을 이용한 Proof-of-Transaction(PoT) 합의 알고리즘을 통해 선출됩니다. 블록체인 기반 실서비스(e.g., 지역화폐, 토큰 거래, 투표 등) 사용자들이 발생시키는 트랜잭션들이 Validator 선출 투표에 반영됩니다. 의미있는 트랜잭션들을 많이 일으키는 블록체인 서비스 제공자들이 Validator로 선출되어 거버넌스에 참여하고 트랜잭션 수수료 수익을 얻을 수 있는 가장 합리적이고 공정한 합의 알고리즘입니다.
PoT 매커니즘은 멀티블록체인 네트워크에서 aggregated Proof-of-Transaction (aPoT)로 확장되어, Relay Chain에 연결된 각 서비스 블록체인에서 발생한 트랜잭션 기반 투표가 모두 수집되어 Infra Relay Chain의 Validator 선출 지표로 활용됩니다.
매 블록 마다 누구나 경쟁적으로 블록 생성에 참여할 수 있는 작업증명(PoW), 지분증명(PoS) 방식의 블록체인은 블록생성 시간이 매우 느립니다(수십 초~수십 분).
InfraBlockchain은 자체 개발한 Proof-of-Transaction 합의 방식으로 실시간으로 선출되는 Validator들이 경쟁없이 정해진 타임 슬롯에 블록을 생성하는 방식으로 초고속 블록생성 시간(0.5초~6초)을 구현하여 트랜잭션 처리 속도를 극대화합니다.
선출된 Validator들 간의 고성능 비동기 BFT 프로토콜을 통해 빠른 블록 최종성(Finality) 시간을 구현할 수 있습니다. 또한 WebAssembly 가상머신 기반의 스마트 컨트랙트 실행 환경을 제공하여 최고 수준의 블록체인 트랜잭션 처리 성능을 구현합니다.
InfraBlockchain offers a high-performance smart contract execution environment based on WebAssembly and EVM. Just by using a general-purpose programming language(Rust/C/C++), you can build blockchain-based services that are programmed with smart contracts and deployed on the network.
Fiat-pegged tokens issued by trusted institutions can also be programmed to design various financial services(e.g., local currency, CBDC(Central Bank Digital Currency), etc.). Furthermore, various services such as decentralized exchange, P2E game, metaverse, NFT, DID, voting, and history management can be programmed and implemented with smart contracts.
On InfraBlockchain, trusted institutions can issue and distribute fiat-pegged stable tokens that are guaranteed by reserve funds(100%, or less than 100% reserve ratio if agreed by the blockchain ecosystem). Similarly, trusted institutions can also issue and distribute security tokens that are backed by other valued collaterals, such as stocks of unlisted companies, precious metals such as gold/silver, carbon credits, artworks, real estates, etc.
Security tokens can be traded using fiat-pegged tokens on decentralized exchanges integrated on InfraBlockchain, and can be used as base assets in blockchain-based financial systems.
Because blockchain transactions are open to all participating nodes, it is essential to implement additional technology to protect users' personal information. InfraBlockchain provides anonymous token transfer technologies(One-time Stealth Address, Group Signature, Zero Knowledge Proof (zk-SNARK), etc.) to ensure the protection of personal information while maintaining the integrity of the transactions.
The user's blockchain transaction can be processed anonymously, which would be useful to develop services that should not need to disclose personal information(small amount banking system, voting system, etc.).
Elected validators - with 2/3 consensus - can update the transaction fee table to manage legal-currency-based fee costs per blockchain action such as token transfer, nft minting.
In addition, by separately designating a transaction fee payment account for each transaction, the service provider can pay for the blockchain transaction fees on behalf of their users.
In InfraBlockchain, the blockchain runtime(which is responsible for blockchain governance) is separated from the blockchain core. This separation allows various types of blockchain networks to be built using programmable blockchain runtime, and the blockchain governance structure of an operating blockchain network to be safely upgraded without a hard fork.
Whether it is a completely private blockchain operated internally by an institution, a permissioned blockchain operated in a consortium configuration, a PoT-based completely public blockchain, or a hybrid-type blockchain that combines PoT and permissioned setup allowing seed trust nodes to participate in network, you can flexibly build a blockchain to suit your needs.
Identity authorities designated by the validators can provide identity verification services by issuing the W3C DID / VC standard certificates to users' blockchain accounts.
Users who own a verified blockchain account can safely and conveniently use various blockchain-based services. If a user loses the private key of his/her blockchain account, the account can be recovered through the identity authorities' services.
Individual Multi-Blockchain ecosystems can be interlinked to establish a more extensive system. This network eventually scales into a Federated Multi-Blockchain structure where numerous multi-chains are interconnected.
Connections between a diverse array of multi-blockchains(such as security tokens, local currencies, medical data, real estate, etc.), facilitate an infinite web-scale expansion, culminating in the Federated Multi-Blockchain ecosystem.
InfraBlockchain permits each blockchain transaction generated from Service Chains and Relay Chain to vote for a validator candidate on Infra Relay Chain. Transaction votes aggregated from each Service Chain and Relay Chain are used as Infra Relay Chain Validator election weighted criterion(based on the number of transactions, amount of transaction fee consumed, chain type, region, etc.).
A service provider that generates large amount of blockchain transactions can use its voting power to elect itself(or other partnered node) to become a validator on Infra Relay Chain using the TaaV mechanism. These validators can participate in the blockchain governance, and earn the legal currency-based transaction fees as rewards. Transaction votes are measured in real time, and the top nodes that receive the most votes get to become the validators.
It is possible to design Infra Relay Chain validator nodes in a public/permissioned hybrid method, which includes validators(service providers) elected by Proof-of-Transaction(PoT) method and pre-designated trust nodes(Seed Trust Nodes, trust organizations such as government agencies and public enterprises). If a blockchain network is designed around the trusted institutions as its core, the stability and credibility of the network can be improved by adding the predesignated trust nodes. By adjusting the composition of the validator group, InfraBlockchain can flexibly form private, consortium, PoT-based public, and any level of hybrid blockchain network.
PCT International patent
KOR patent granted
1020180064925, 1020210000951
USA patent granted
US 11,636,450 B2
For a decentralized exchange(DEX) that processes token issuance and exchange transactions entirely on public blockchain, not only is it difficult to achieve large-scale, high-speed transactions that compares to existing stock exchanges or centralized cryptocurrency exchanges, but it also faces personal information leakage problems because all exchange transaction details are disclosed transparently on the public blockchain. On/Off-Chain Hybrid Token Exchange technology solves this problem by processing token issuance and exchange deposit and withdrawal on-chain, while trading orders and order matching executions are handled by off-chain servers.
Transaction orders submitted by users and order matching executed on the off-chain exchange server are cryptographically signed by the blockchain ID of the user and the exchange server, and all the transaction history data and its hash values are stored in distributed storage and public blockchain, in an immutable manner. This enables any audit institution to transparently and objectively verify the integrity of all transaction history data in the exchange server based on the blockchain, unlike the existing central server-based exchange system.
Government financial institutions and financial companies can implement blockchain-based STO(Security Token Offering) platform efficiently and safely by using on/off-chain hybrid exchange technology.
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